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CO2 Exhale Bag “Easy Grow”
Plants growing indoors under artificial light often do not have enough carbon dioxide / CO2 for efficient photosynthesis. When plants are able to increase the process of photosynthesis, the result is larger plants with higher yields.
The power is in the mycelium mass inside the Exhale CO2 bag. This mycelial mass grows carbon dioxide and the unidirectional air patch releases CO2 continuously for up to 6 months.
The regular size bag of Exhale CO2 is designed for small to medium sized grow rooms or more specifically 1 bag will provide 4-6 plants with the CO2 they need. It can be used both for vegetative growth of plants as well as for the production of fruits and flowers.
◦ Constant release of CO2
◦ CO2 level -1300 ppm
◦ 100% Safe
◦ No maintenance
◦ The separating seam also serves as a hanger. Once removed, allow the material from the top spawner to fall onto the sterilized substrate below by gently moving the spawner down onto the bottom of the bag.
◦ Reattach the separation seam hanger by placing it over the filter patch.
◦ The Exhale bag can now be placed in your grow room.
◦ Use the closure hole by hanging the ExHale bag slightly above the plants.
Carbon dioxide, which is heavier than air, will precipitate down towards your plants.
Full production will be achieved in 30-45 days. ExHale 365 will produce carbon dioxide – CO2 for about 6 months.
You will notice a change in the appearance of the mass of mycelium. It will take on a whitish appearance over time, which is normal. CO2 will continue to be produced for up to 6 months.
Depending on the conditions, the bag may inflate, but this is not an indication of effectiveness. If the mycelium grows, CO2
CO2 level
Too much CO2 can be harmful to plants. As CO2 levels rise to high levels, the ability of plants to transpire during photosynthesis decreases. With a lower rate of transpiration, the plant pulls in fewer nutrients, so less food enters the plant and growth slows down. High levels of CO2 can cause spots of necrosis to appear on the leaves. These patches of dead tissue are an invitation to bacteria and mold. Bacteria and molds feed on dead tissue and can cause plant damage, reduce yield and in some cases cause crop failure. CO2 levels around 1200-1500 ppm have been shown to provide optimal growth. Levels above that are just wasting CO2 and can cause problems.
The product is 100% recyclable. Simply remove the contents and mix into the compost pile or use as a soil amendment. You can recycle the bag through your local plastic recycling company.
Origin: EU
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