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Cannabis in medicine; how we can help ourselves to better health and well-being with cannabis, author doc. dr. Tanje Bagar from the International Cannabinoid Institute ICANNA, introduces some historical aspects and basic information about the plant itself. The book explains in more detail the functioning of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates most processes in our body.
Written in plain language, the book explains the science and research behind the therapeutic value of cannabinoids in diseases that confront modern medical science. Part of the book is also dedicated to prevention, where the author explains how to determine whether your ECS is still fulfilling its protective role and, if not, how to strengthen its functioning.
The book is primarily intended for patients and their relatives to help them find their way through the labyrinth of information about cannabis. It will certainly be of interest to everyone who is interested in improving their health. Doctors will also find useful information in it, as it explains, among other things, how cannabinoids can be used as a complementary therapy to existing therapies.
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