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RYOT SMELL SAFE Roller Wallet – black

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RYOT SMELL SAFE Roller Wallet – črna

Povsem nova torbica Roller Wallet s tehnologijo Smell Safe Carbon series omogoča nošenje vaših pomembnih stvari in pripomočkov brez neprijetnega vonja.

Ne samo, da torbica Roller Wallet vsebuje obsežno podlago za enostavno nalaganje, ki je hkrati tudi predal za shranjevanje in prevlečeno vremensko odporno tkanino za zaščito vaših dragocenosti, ampak vključuje tehnologijo RYOT Smell Safe Carbon Series, ki zadržuje vonjave in ohranja elemente tako kot morajo biti.

Vstavite torbico Roller Wallet v vsak žep ali torbico in varno nosite vaše dragocene kadilske pripomočke ves dan!

RYOT-ova serija SmellSafe Carbon

Naše zaščitene torbice SmellSafe Carbon Series vključujejo obsežno oblogo iz karbonskih vlaken, ki nevtralizira in zadržuje neprijetne vonjave v njihovih porah.

Za ponovno aktiviranje filtrov ogljikovih oblog preprosto vstavite v sušilnik 5 minut.

Mere: 13 x 7 x 3 cm


◦ RYOT-ova integrirana tehnologija ogljika SmellSafe.
◦ Odstranljiva sveža vrečka RYOT, vključena v torbico Roller Wallet.
◦ Robustna, odporna na vse vremenske vplive.
◦ Zunanjost iz proti mikrobnih mikrovlaken.
◦ Zelo priročna podlaga.

Origin: EU

  ◦ CASH in the company

Payment on delivery is made in cash or by card to the delivery service, at the delivery service branch or at the parcel machine or. other transfer points without additional fees. Payment by credit or debit card is possible with MasterCard and Visa cards. By choosing Pay Now in the "Order Summary" at, a secure card payment environment automatically opens. Security is provided by card systems (Verified by Visa and SecureCode (Mastercard)). Enter the required information: cardholder, card number (ENTER WITHOUT SPACEBAR), CVC code (three-digit number on the back of the card in the signature space) and card validity. In the event of unauthorized use of your card when making a purchase, follow the instructions provided by your credit card issuer and notify us immediately.

Payment by proforma invoice is made to the bank account of Cannabis Masters s.p .., bank transfer to OTP banka d.d.; IBAN: SI56 0400 0027  8883 283. The order will be executed upon receipt of payment on the company's current account. For faster processing, the consumer can send a copy of the payment to the e-mail address.

FREE DELIVERY on purchase> 50€ (including VAT)

  ◦ Possibility to pay the REDEMPTION with CASH or CARD

Delivery methods:
  ◦ Post of Slovenia
  ◦ Acceptance at the Pošta Slovenija branch (Customer receives at the Post Office address)
  ◦ GLS
  ◦ GLS parcel machine and other collection points
  ◦ takeover in the company according to the existing schedule, with timely prior notice

We send the shipment by registered mail with a redemption value. The shipment is sent via Pošta Slovenije, which means that it is delivered to you by a local postman. If you are at home, the postman will charge you a ransom when issuing the package. If you are not at home, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox, with which you pick up the package at your nearest post office and pay the ransom. When paying by cash on delivery or by card, Pošta Slovenije and GLS charge the cost of payment according to the value of the redemption. After payment, the ordered goods are delivered to the buyer in accordance with the rules and delivery price. The price of delivery for delivery to other countries (except Slovenia) is made at an additional cost, which is sent to the buyer by e-mail.

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